God’s Ultimate Orchestration

For years we at HWI have been praying, planning, and plodding about how to get our trike seen by someone at Willow Creek. We’ve known that Willow Creek has directors in different parts of the world but even though some of our board goes there, we’ve never found our way to the right people.


Today Alice received an email. In it Alice learned that some people from the Dominican Republic were at the Willow Creek Leadership conference last week. (more…)

His Wheels is Changing Gears

Today was the final day of our two-wheeled bike ministry. Now we will turn our undivided attention towards our hand-pedaled three-wheeled trike program.

We passed all our inventory on to Working Bikes in Chicago who we have partnered with some over the past few years. They would pick up beyond what we could repair. (more…)