Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church Women’s Mini Retreat

GEECC 070813

As we think of recapturing our dream I want to begin by asking some questions:

• Are the Road Signs in your life pointing towards your Dream Destination right now?

• What is a dream destination you have/had at one time envisioned for yourself?

• What Roadblocks, dead end signs, impasses, or alternate route bypasses have put a death to your dream or caused you to lose your way?


His Wheels Featured on Special Chronicles Episode 46

Podman Daniel Smrokowski, founder of Special Chronicles did an audio podcast tour with Alice Teisan at His Wheels International’s headquarters. Daniel heard about HWI through his classmate at Roosevelt University, Aubrey Smith who was  HWI’s journalism intern in the Fall of 2012.

Chris Fabry Live

When this program was re-aired on January 2, 2012 Chris Fabry made the following comments to set up what he called ‘”a best-of programs from October 2010:

You are a difference maker, your heart, your soul, your life. You are making a difference to those around you even if you don’t sense it or understand it. . . . This program is going to make a difference in someone’s life as we start off the New Year. . . . It deals with a woman who loved something, who had that thing she loved taken away from her and then instead of giving up, she allowed God to give her a new vision of that thing.

One reason we wanted to air this in the first broadcast day of the New Year is because in the coming days and weeks, I want to look at people’s lives who’ve been given a dream and who have allowed God to mold that dream in and through them. Because I’m convinced we can either hold on to the vision, the dream we have generated inside of us—what we think that ought to be, what we think life ought to be—or we can allow God to shape that in us to do what He wants. That’s what the story of Alice Teisan is going to teach us today. That’s what I hope you hear coming through loud and clear.'”        (185-186)*

October 2010

Part 1:

01 Chris Fabry Live 01

Part 2:
02 Chris Fabry Live 02

Part 3:
03 Chris Fabry Live 03

Part 4:
04 Chris Fabry Live 04

January 2, 2012: 

Rebroadcast of the October 2010 program


*Excerpt from, Teisan, Alice Riding on Faith: Keeping Your Balance When the Wheels Fall OFF, (2012).

First Person Interview

“This Week’s Guest:
Alice Teisan

Posted on December 6, 2010

Alice Teisan is a great example of someone who was called by God in spite of her weakness.  Alice had a passion for bicycling and was about to leave on a 1000 mile trip when she suddenly became ill with something that felt like the flu, but was later diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS).  But God had a design all along to use Alice to be the founder of His Wheels, International.

The mission of His Wheels is to provide pedal powered transportation, with dignity, through global partnerships, as a tool for expanding Christ’s Kingdom.  You can read all about it online at

I met Alice a couple of months ago through a mutual friend and it was easy to find her, because our offices are only a couple of miles from each other.  So I went to His Wheels and talked to Alice right in the shop where they repair and build some incredible bikes and trikes for Kingdom purposes.

I think you’ll enjoy getting to know Alice on this week’s edition of First Person.”From First Person’s caption under Alice Teisan

02 His Wheels Intl. – Intro

01 His Wheels Intl. – Interview

This is the Day with Nancy Turner, September 22, 2010

01 His Wheels Intl. 22 Sep 2010

Teisan talks about her interests since youth, testament of faith, illness, and the beginnings of His Wheels International.

In 2003, she was invited to meet a scholar at Wheaton College, who was interested in giving bicycles to people that are undeserved as far as transport is concerned. That led to the start His Wheels International in 2005. Since then His Wheels has sent out 1300 bikes on 6 different continents, with hopes to expand in the future.